GoSun Black Beans and Rice

GoSun Black Beans and Rice

Rice and beans are a staple of the latin kitchen, particularly Central America and the Latin Carribean. I once spent a week in Costa Rica, rough I know, and this was served at literally every meal, including breakfast. In Cuba this is called Moros y Cristianos, Moors and Christians, and is a very common side dish. Order it with Ropa Vieja, literally Dirty Clothes, and you’ve got the Cuban national dish. I’ll make a recipe for that once my cholesterol is clear under 300 and my doctor says that my beef intake is too low and I desperately need to consume braised latin flank steak.


Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 
35 Minutes
Serves 4


1/2 cup white rice

1 can black beans-you could sub other beans too if you like, and if you like more beans, go ahead and add another can. You could even go crazy and mix the types of beans

½ red onion, diced

1 clove garlic, minced

2 bay leaves

1 sprig Epazote-if you can find it. Most latin markets will have it

1 cup water, or stock

½ cup green peas

Salt and pepper



Mix everything but the water in a bowl and load your GoSun Sport insert. Put just the tip of the insert into the GoSun to help hold the insert steady and slowly pour in your water. Do this where you are going to let it cook, otherwise all that care you put in to prevent that water spilling on your counter, will be for naught, and your water might end up on the floor as you carry it outside. Wives dont like that.

Let cook for 30 minutes until the water is all absorbed, the rice takes on a nice purple hue and you can smell the aromatic bay leaf wafting up out of your delicious humble meal.

Serve as a side dish or add corn and tomato salsa for a delicious vegan entree.
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